NYS TEACHS: On placement, data and help
Posted on19. May, 2010 by cunyjschool.
In New York City, a matrix of city agencies and organizations are charged with caring for homeless children. Between the Department of Education (DOE), the Department of Homeless Services (DHS), the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) and other groups, the system can feel like an alphabet soup. Jennifer Pringle, director of the New […]
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Learning on the Move
Posted on17. May, 2010 by Dale Eisinger.
According to education specialists and child development experts, thousands of homeless kids and teenagers across the city are negatively effected in academic performance. The lack of stability is the main detriment, as children constantly moving face stress from the rigors of mobility and adapting to shelter life. Here, we hear from education experts and a nomadic family about the effects of homelessness on education.
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The McKinney-Vento Act: Ensuring Rights for the Homeless
Posted on13. May, 2010 by cunyjschool.
by Dale W. Eisinger The McKinney-Vento act was the first federal bill to address homelessness and the rights of homeless people in the U.S. The original bill was passed in 1987 under President Reagan. It provides support to families without permanent housing and, notably, allows transitional students to remain in the same school even if […]
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Student Homelessness: A New York City Public School Teacher Speaks
Posted on11. May, 2010 by Dale Eisinger.
A career teacher with the New York City school system shared her thoughts on homeless youth – teaching them, interacting with them, and observing how they learn. She taught in two middle schools in Brooklyn in the 1970s.
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After School, Homeless Kids Find Few Options
Posted on06. May, 2010 by cunyjschool.
A bed, a meal and a shower: these are the immediate needs of many families facing homelessness. But in the long-term, the effect of homelessness on educational attainment is just as pressing.
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Kids Need to Feel Support, says Principal Ben Shuldiner
Posted on05. May, 2010 by Vineeth Thomas.
by Vineeth Thomas Ben Shuldiner has been principal of the High School for Public Service in Brooklyn since it opened seven years ago. Aware of how important it is to provide support to homeless students, he talked to us about the efforts of the school to do so. “We support those students as much as […]
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Operation Backpack: Highlighting the Costs of a "Free" Education
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Alana Casanova.
by Rochana Rapkins and Diana Cabral Public schools are intended to be the great equalizer: everyone, no matter their demographics or class, is supposed to get a good education at no cost. But even public schools are not entirely free, and the costs of an education can be a strain on a low-income family. Many […]
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For Homeless Families, a Changing Landscape
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Perry Santanachote.
The last 40 years have seen tremendous change in the education and treatment of homeless children. Check out our interactive timeline of key dates in New York City and federal history.