Homelessness Across the U.S.
Posted on 04. May, 2010 by cunyjschool in STATISTICS AND DATA
by Mariana Vasconcellos
The maps below show the number of children in foster care. While those in foster care and those who are homeless are not necessarily the same populations, some experts argue that if the foster care population is growing, then the homeless shelter population may be growing even more. It’s also interesting to note that New York’s policy (backed by law) of not separating children from parents based on homelessness is not the same in all areas of the country. In some cities, it is legal and not uncommon for children to be placed in foster care solely because their families are indigent or temporarily without a home.
The National Alliance to End Homelessness estimates that the homeless youth population ranges from 52,000 to over one million.
(The precise number of homeless youth is nearly impossible to determine because of residential mobility and overlap among populations. There also isn’t a single definition for “homeless youth,” which makes it even more difficult to obtain statistics.)
Hover your mouse over each state to see the corresponding data.
* Click here to view map: Number of Children Who Live With Neither Parent (2006) |
Data Provided by: National KIDS COUNT Program
By the Numbers
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